Good News! :: Now you can send your submissions digitally :: Details at
[5]art :: WHITE/BOX/GROUP/SHOW2 :: Submission Guidelines
1906 N. Armenia Ave. #211 Tampa, FL 33607
art.five (at)
[5]art invites you to submit artwork for consideration in their annual all-media exhibition WHITE/BOX/GROUP/SHOW2. This exhibition opens on Friday, October 10, 2008 at 7pm till 10pm and runs through Friday, October 31, 2007 with gallery hours by appointment. Admission is free but donations are greatly appreciated. Select works will also be featured on the [5]art website.
ELIGIBILITY: The exhibition is open to all artists, national and international, working in all media. All forms of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, and digital/graphic art are eligible.
ENTRY FEE: There is non-refundable $10 entry fee for three digital image files; $5 for each additional file. Submit as many works as you wish. Make your check or money order in US funds, payable to five-art.
SUBMISSION FORMAT: All images should be submitted digitally on a CD or DVD and sent through the post with a submission form and entry fee. Your submissions should be mailed to:
[5]art c/o T. Hampton Dohrman
1813 E. 18th Avenue
Tampa, FL 33605
DEADLINE: The final postmarked deadline for submissions is Friday, August 29, 2008.
NOTIFICATION: Artists will be notified of acceptance or decline no later than Monday September 15th, 2008. Notification will be made via e-mail. Accepted works must be received by [5]art by Monday September 29th, 2008.
COMMISSION: There will be a 40% commission on any sales made during the exhibition or from the web site.