Friday, September 26, 2008

Oh How I Miss Burning the Midnight Oil...

1. I Officially I hate not taking a studio class this semester...never again will I do something so foolish...never again!!!

2. Concepts 2 does not count as a studio class...simply because I'm not a architecture major...nor do I understand a project that has 5 different parts to it...that has nothing to do with each indivudial part...

3. I hate the budget cuts of USF...and all of the ridiculous schedule nonsense that they have brought to our school...but Hey at least we have a brand new Marshall Center to study in...Right???

4. On the schedule topic...what good does it to have class on Friday for an hour??? Hell I'm an older student...who doesn't party...and I think it doesn't make sense...Do you???

5. I'll be glad when Mid Terms are over...because that might free my schedule up for a few days to finish my painting!!! Which is...another huge self portrait...that stares at me in my living room...screaming..."Finish Me...Please!!!"

6. I'm craving to do some of my own artwork...mainly a video piece...about some old topics from the past...funny how certain things come back moves in circles...

7. Speaking of the does fear translate into space...??? I didn't know that answer till this semester...and I'm not sure I still have the answer...

8. On a positive note...I have gained so much respect for Egyptian artwork...Man...the riddles that they put in there's so great!!!

9. On another positive note...I have found that Plato is a great artistic inspiration...then again...I'm sure there are a lot of artist who have...???

10. I miss the summer classes...especially Painting One...with my kick ass class classmates and teacher...that gave me the help me reach my best as an artist...

Miss all of you guys from the summer...I miss the late night painting sessions...I miss the small group we had...This summer rocked!!!

Hope everyone is doing well...and keeping the Arts Alive and Kicking!!!


Terri said...

I feel your pain. I was considering withdrawing from my painting class and may still give up painting as my concentration. I'm having a terrible time this semester and keep thinking about how wonderful our class was. It seems like a dream... Just persevere through Concepts. It made no sense to me either. Seemed like a big sandbox with no organization to it. On the other hand, Brad Shanks' class Drawing as Printmaking ROCKS. I am loving it and have spent several late night sessions in the studio with great people.

ec said...

People. It doesn't make sense and you're not in control. So first off accept that as the condition of being temporarily and make your peace. Preferably not through drugs or delusion.

I so remember university in the ...well, dare I divulge how long ago? Shall vanity kick in now? Nah. late 1970s. Take a few years off to club and return in the early-mid 80s--to art school.

Ah...tons of what I judged then as useless, conceptual information with absolutely no technical structure, hated it...returning (after the club years) to a full-service art school as well as for graduate...where I promptly studied with all the conceptual critics, go figure.

All these years later, I've finally digested what those so-called crackpot teachers were insisting on: art is inspired as much by life as it is by images and history, the conversation is important, it is our shared history and after Duchamp, that conversation is as conceptual as it is object-based.

Yet, as a young 'un, and then not so young 'un I needed and craved the structure of making. Still do--I'm a painter.

Therein lies the tension between object making and conceptual practice. But why must it be either/or?

Use concept as you would another material. Don't judge and be dismissive, apply it to PROCESS and open the outcome. Let yourself be surprised.

Without conceptual I never would have done collaborative work.

Without conceptual I never would have painted my dolls, which you can't find now anyway but one day i'll show you.

Without conceptual I wouldn't value ideas as much as I value technique, and to think painting does not embrace both is a serious mistake.

Carry on soldiers and lead in the critiques, make your opinions count, be squeaky wheels, rev the action and engage--do not withdraw to the cave! Unless it is to work on your own paintings....but conceptually, spiritually, psychologically, do not! Move out into the fray, and ask these questions of your teachers.

In the late '70s at UCSan Diego, you had to keep a diary instead of making things. I transfered to UCLA and was too ashamed to take the hard classes because I felt technically deficient. Now I just wish I'd understood that concept is another material to work with and from and not felt threatened by it taking painting away. Painting is visual, and conceptual is, well, conceptual, but the two twine in paintings and in other works of art as well.

Fear and space--how does fear infuse space, that's actually interesting! how would I move through space when fearful? Perhaps slower, more alert, hyper-so--so perception dilates and becomes acute--color flourishes--surface flattens, and so on.

Pep talk over.

Amber Antonelli said...

I feel You David.

:3 But there's a saving grace in my case. I find that the more frustrated and annoyed and busy and confused I am, the cooler shit that comes pouring out of me.

Sara Doane said...

I seriously miss painting, too. I'm also not taking any studio classes, and the classes I'm taking keep me so busy, the only thing I've had time to do is sketch. I NEED TO PAINT!!!!

We'll make it through this semester and love next semester that much more.