So, since my mom made me pack up the oil painting area i'd set up in her office the the day after class ended, I didn't really get to screw around in the paint any more. I'll find a place to settle in and make a mess again, but I'm still drawing. I can't help it, It's my heartsong! D: Excuses excuses, right?
Anyway... I've got like major self-love and physical body issues if you never guessed and i've been dealing with them in some nudes i've been doing of myself... I'm kind of suprised myself really. See, one of the many reasons i'm lonely is I won't get intimate because of how self conscious I am. And for good reason; weighing in at 265 lbs at 12 years old fucks up your body no matter what you do in the years beyond it. I'm damaged goods... but I'm always trying to convince myself not to self hate... so I made some pretty pictures... kinda.
If anyone knows a good plastic surgeon let me know. I'm in the market to get my skin fixed in a year or two...
The image quality sucks because it's from my cell phone btw.
-Peace out-
I really appreciate you being so open and honesty about yourself on the blog…That takes a lot emotionally to put yourself out there…as artist we are given a talent, a ability to express ourselves in various different forms…I believe as artist we must take risk to push ourselves to produce great works…sometimes that push involves the process of dealing with issues from our past…It is a wonderful process that you are doing all of this so early in your artistic career Amber…It excites me to think of the work that you will be producing in the years to come…
About the piece…your use of the human form is so amazing…Just as your model painting…You have a great appreciation and understanding for the human body. Like some of your other drawings…you have a style that works for your “message”…That style translates into some amazing and beautiful works of art. The emotion is there…but I don’t feel sadness…I feel almost acceptances…The figures you paint our not ugly or grotesque …but beautiful. They remind me of Jennie Severin…You should look at her work…Your colors work so well with the piece…I like the monochromatic!!!…but then again…I have a place for monochromatic…How large is the piece??? I also like how there is a narrative with the circular motion of the figures…it helps to create movement in the piece…
I know you want to get back to painting…and you should!!!…but you have the passion in your drawings…and you keep rockin it!!! Thanks Amber…!!!
Hey, Amber, drawing and painting are both good....
And yours is a very important story to tell.
Jenny Saville
Brenda Goodman
Lisa Yuskavage
overtly deal with body issues.
Marilyn Minter
outside of painting:
Hannah Wilke (being beautiful /getting cancer)
Elke Krystufek
I'll come up with more later when I'm not fast asleep.
Also if we had class again we could talk about convex and concave shapes...boy you can exploit that in your work...and do....
I love the composition, color and movement. It's so dream-like and surreal. You really can put your eye to the canvas or in this case, your mind's eye. I am jealous! I also appreciate the tenderness of the emotion you feel. Keep painting AND drawing!
Because I forget names...I didn't mean Jennie Severin...I meant Jenny Saville...Silly Me!!! Her work is so amazing...and I think you would really dig on it!!!
Yeah i was gonna ask because i looked up that other name and didn't see anything but some asian girls blog on friendster, lol.
Oh! that reminds me-Su-en Wong--not exactly body issues but you're going to like it.
And of course, Ornan--she of the Parisian variety--who has experienced multiple plastic surgeries to alter her appearance and distort--
Let me percolate
I'm not trying to distort though. I'm centered around fixing.
I tried looking up Ornan and gix a mix of stuff so i'm not sure what i was supposed to look at. What's Ornans first name? Or what's some keywords i could search with her thatd yield better google results? =O
I am a space cadet. ORLAN!
This will take you to her.
Fix? Fix?
Isn't fixing a form of distortion? Who decided Barbie has a better body than Rosanne Barr? Think about it, beyond health issues.
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