Saturday, November 22, 2008

Paris, baby!

Its happening: I'm going to Paris!

I got accepted into the Paris Study Abroad program for summer 2009! I'm applying for scholarships, learning French, finding blogs belonging to people who live in Paris...I'm going to get my adventure! Words cannot describe how excited I am to study art, what I love most, in a place where art is part of the culture!

Spring semester is coming up, too, and I am excited for that as well! 3 studio classes....I can hardly contain myself! I want my days to be packed with art-making. I've been bored and unmotivated for too long! Elisabeth, I will be in your Intermediate Painting class! I am so excited to have you for painting again! You really got me excited about paint over the summer (and I still am excited about it, but haven't had the means to express that), so lets see what you can get me to do over an entire semester! I'll fight you as usual, but it will be fun, yes? And we both know I'll come out appreciating paint even more. I'm thinking about changing my major from photography to painting, but we'll see.

And just wait for these studio classes in the Spring...I'll be posting photos of my work like crazy, and you'll probably all get tired of me.


Terri said...

Congratulations!! I know you will have a great time. I'm hoping to go in 2010. I'm taking Elisabeth's drawing class but am still trying to work out financially whether I can take the painting class. If I'm not in painting, at least I'll see you in the hall! Next semester is going to be great!!

Elisabeth, I echo Sara's appreciation of your summer class. I've used that knowledge over and over this semester. Thank you!

Amber Antonelli said...

lol no wonder you sounded happy whn you called to ask if I could hang out. :D Lucky you. I wish I could travel this summer.

ec said...

Congratulations, congratulations!!! Paris! It is a wonderful, fabulous, magical program.

Lou Marcus will give you so much prep your head will spin.

I taught it in 2006 and it was one of the highlights of my entire life: there are exhibitions I saw there, paintings, I will never forget. If you can, forgo shopping in favor of matter how tired you get...the museums win hands down.

So glad I'll be working with you again--the semester pace will be different than summer--I like that "balls to the wall" all-out pace, but it's diff in a think!

Great news, Sara! GREAT!!!!

And Terri--so glad the class was useful--I too am using the color info--working low neutrals side by side, watching the color pop.

Very inspired--returned from the Prado: for travelers, start planning Madrid. It's the final destination for western painting. Yes, David, black is in the palette.
But hey--if you lived through the Inquisition, maybe you'd use it too.

David said...


Awsome news!!! You know that I wanted to go this summer...but life happens...I will be trying my luck next summer!!!

Sara...Rock the studio classes next semester!!! Changing your painting...I do believe that sounds like a great idea...I struggle with what I want to do...I'm thinking sculpture again...The problem is I want to do it graduate on time.

Elisabeth...shame on you for the Black...don't you know that Alzrian Crimson is the new black...LOL! I so wanted to take painting next semester...but I have a full load...and I have to buckle down on my class schedule...which means I have very little room to play. But...I am looking forward to drawing...I can only imagine what you have planned for us...with your recent marthon class over the summer...It shall be good times indeed.!!!

Terri...I will get you signed up...but you have to post a pic of your prints and paintings...The print in the display case is great...It has a H.P Lovecraft feel to it...really great piece!!!