Thursday, November 13, 2008

Recent Insane project that leaves no time for living.

Neil Bender gave us 5 very large (44" x something) sheets of watercolor paper and basicly told us to go to town on them for our final. He had us collage first and told us to create a universe.

I've chopped these papers up into 90 smaller pages and have been obsessively illustrating a wordless narrative. I'm on page 48 of 90. They are inked up to that point but some arent shaded yet because I plan on sitting down with a brush and doing several at the same time for that part.

How is everyone? I hear from people sporadically but I really am curious. I know I'm not one of the ones who grew close to everyone since I wasn't in the painting room when you all were at night and my bitching and moaning over oil paint made most of you want to smack me upside the head, but I hope you didn't write me off...

Anywhoo. I'm trying to tear through this so I can get my Real world journal done because I haven't paid enough attention to that, and then I decided to create a 15 foot scroll documenting my vizual thoughts for Julie Weitz's class thats going to require as many if not more time than Benders project so I basicly need to stop doing anything else in life. I'm not whining, i'm almost bragging. I fucking love making shit complicated.

Anywhoo, here are pictures. It's not everything and the cell takes bad quality pics but it's a hazy idea of the current work and classes.

<:3 Peace out peoples...~


Sara Doane said...

Amber, your stuff is always amazing. Great thinking...cutting it up. I think Bender will be very impressed. You are absolutely amazing at drawing! That self portrait is fabulous!

Don't worry, nobody wrote you off. We all think you're great. =)

I know what you mean about loving to make things complicated. I do, too. I'm taking 3 studio classes in the spring, and everyone says I'm crazy, but I'm excited. I want that staying up till 4am in the studio thing back...I felt like I was working towards a goal, not just floating, you know?

David said...


INSANE!!!! Damn I'm Lovin it!!! Keep working it girl!!! Complicatied...or obession??? Who cares...we are artist...Right? That's what we do...make matter the cost...Keep up the great work!!!

You guys keep your eyes open the end of the week and beginnig of the following week...There will be a big suprise in the courtyard!!! Concepts II is changing the courtyard space...

My piece will be up next Monday...My sidekick...Sara G. and I have rocked out a killer sculpture...I'll post some sneek peak pics in a day or two...Come out this Weds and the following some love and support...Also...Ms. Ashely Rand has a show in Hyde Park...go see it!!!

Hope everyone is well...3 more weeks and a new semester!!!

Also...see you in drawing Elisabeth...I cannot wait for the surge of artistic energy that will buzz in your class!!!

ec said...

Ah, people.

Busy, and working--that's the way we like it, eh?

Making things complicated. Familiar habit to some. Watch out--it can bite--3 studios is quite a lot. I had a fabulous painter in my advanced class taking 3 studios. She was performing at a C level--really exhausted. When you're (general, not specific you're)high on the fumes of working hard and focusing, so easy to forget the procrastination, desire to have a warm dinner, sleep, etc.

Floating is a part of it. The energy always focuses at some point. Floating is essential to the pointed focus in the long run.

Amber, the project looks good: you like that small scale, kind of interesting given the big sculptures you were making.

Don't zone out, give each of those things your complete attention, tempting to move over them in layers, but taking each one in its turn will be valuable.

Ah, David. Get ready to "travel"!