I know it has been sometime since I have posted on the blog...as most of us...we have been busy with school...finals and trying to enjoy the holiday break...Which I hope that everyone has had a rockin holiday!!!
This post is a response to a previous post...We all started this blog as a place to create a space for fellow artists. This blog was created from an incredible six weeks of spending several hours together in the painting studio...enjoying the love of color and working with oils...and finding little time for sleep...but who needs sleep when your making art? Right? There was an energy that was created from that class...and when we see each other in passing...we smile and remember the great moments. One of the things that I wanted to create with this blog is the continually support and encouragement from the painting class from the summer and extended that to other students and friends that create and love art. We are a community of people in our little Fine Arts building...some of us have classes with other great artists...Invite them to the blog...We have the privilege to be instructed and taught by amazing teachers...Invite them to the blog...This is a space for artists...a space were we can post our work...tell great news...or rant about school...it is an Art space.
As we go through the process of school and build ourselves to the artists we choose to be...the friendships and relationships we make become important parts to our lives and as artists. Who knows... were they will lead to...but this blog is a great way to keep those avenues and relationships open and intact...
I hope that everyone had a great holiday!!! I'm looking forward to seeing all you guys in a week...and I look forward to being in class again with some of you!!! Thanks for all the people who have posted and I look forward to seeing new work from everyone this semester!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What role does an artist play in our society???
This is a question that was asked in our Concepts II class. It is a question that I feel as artist we constantly ask ourselves. What role do we play in our society? Is it our personal responsibility to inform the public about the horrors and evil of our world? Isn’t that a news reports job? But don’t we publish our own thoughts and feelings about issues that are sometimes the most personal and intimate to ourselves? Are we not essentially reporting how we feel or are we informing?
As artist we have the ability to choose a medium, a process, a way to create our ideas and communicate them to whom ever we choose. How we communicate and express these ideas often have an impact on society. The work from ancient past such as the Egyptians and Greeks expressed a message to there culture. Was it there purpose and intent or did the artist that created these particular works create them for there own personal pleasure? Was it there responsibility to create work for society? In the past the church and religious beliefs helped to propel the role of the artist to a great importance. Today the thought of the two working together can be a rather terrifying idea, unless of course you are Thomas Kinkade. Is it the role of the artist to impact society? Is it the role to communicate and make a change in our world?
Andy Warhol was credited for creating the 1960’s. He was an artist that had a major influence in the arts and society during his time. Warhol’s work helped to change the way we view art and question again “What in the hell is Art?” Just as Duchamp had done in the 1920’s and so many artist continue to do today. The labels of soup cans, the photos of famous celebrities, the logos of famous companies all could be presented as art. Was it Warhol’s role to change a culture of people and artist to create and produce new forms of artwork? No. Warhol created because he was driven by his own desire to create. The result of his work helped to influence society and culture around him.
As artist we have our own personal “message” that we choose to express and communicate. Artist, like Kara Walker and William Kentridge, deal with themes and personal beliefs that are translated into incredible works of art. They choose to use images that engage the viewer in a narrative and question the role of racism in our society. The role they play is informative and expressive in their artwork. Compared to Andy Warhol they are not changing a particular time in society, but bringing awareness to the realities of the world. Warhol was doing the same thing in his artwork, but it was more playful and translated in a different context. Where these roles that they assumed or giving?
I think before we can ask the question of what an artist plays in our society, we must ask how do you define an artist? Every where we look there are various forms of artists, there are painter, sculptures, photographers, printmakers and the occasionally basket weaver. Look further and we can realize that we are surrounded by political artist, musicians, teachers, the all American business man, the computer geek, the scientists that are trying to discover the meaning of life and etc...Etc... Are theses individuals not artist? Yes. They create and express a message, a statement, and a purpose that can be looked at from various people in different societies. What role do they play? A major one that includes the diversity that helps to create our society.
As artist are role to the society is to be true and honest to ourselves. We provide an outlet to some and aggression to others. We shake the “tree” and push some to open their eyes and see the world in a different way. We are not always understood and sometimes we don’t want to be. We play in our own playground and by our own set of rules. We change things around us and rethink the same damn things over and over because it’s what we do as artist. We offend people and often we please others. We communicate a message, sometimes loud and clear and other times we leave people wondering what is it and is that art? Our role in society is to create and keep creating. Some of us choose to make “pretty” pictures and stay in our comfort zone, while others piss in a jar or shit in a can and call it art. Either way we are artists who have a great impact in our world and society.
So create...make great art...and love being an artist.
As artist we have the ability to choose a medium, a process, a way to create our ideas and communicate them to whom ever we choose. How we communicate and express these ideas often have an impact on society. The work from ancient past such as the Egyptians and Greeks expressed a message to there culture. Was it there purpose and intent or did the artist that created these particular works create them for there own personal pleasure? Was it there responsibility to create work for society? In the past the church and religious beliefs helped to propel the role of the artist to a great importance. Today the thought of the two working together can be a rather terrifying idea, unless of course you are Thomas Kinkade. Is it the role of the artist to impact society? Is it the role to communicate and make a change in our world?
Andy Warhol was credited for creating the 1960’s. He was an artist that had a major influence in the arts and society during his time. Warhol’s work helped to change the way we view art and question again “What in the hell is Art?” Just as Duchamp had done in the 1920’s and so many artist continue to do today. The labels of soup cans, the photos of famous celebrities, the logos of famous companies all could be presented as art. Was it Warhol’s role to change a culture of people and artist to create and produce new forms of artwork? No. Warhol created because he was driven by his own desire to create. The result of his work helped to influence society and culture around him.
As artist we have our own personal “message” that we choose to express and communicate. Artist, like Kara Walker and William Kentridge, deal with themes and personal beliefs that are translated into incredible works of art. They choose to use images that engage the viewer in a narrative and question the role of racism in our society. The role they play is informative and expressive in their artwork. Compared to Andy Warhol they are not changing a particular time in society, but bringing awareness to the realities of the world. Warhol was doing the same thing in his artwork, but it was more playful and translated in a different context. Where these roles that they assumed or giving?
I think before we can ask the question of what an artist plays in our society, we must ask how do you define an artist? Every where we look there are various forms of artists, there are painter, sculptures, photographers, printmakers and the occasionally basket weaver. Look further and we can realize that we are surrounded by political artist, musicians, teachers, the all American business man, the computer geek, the scientists that are trying to discover the meaning of life and etc...Etc... Are theses individuals not artist? Yes. They create and express a message, a statement, and a purpose that can be looked at from various people in different societies. What role do they play? A major one that includes the diversity that helps to create our society.
As artist are role to the society is to be true and honest to ourselves. We provide an outlet to some and aggression to others. We shake the “tree” and push some to open their eyes and see the world in a different way. We are not always understood and sometimes we don’t want to be. We play in our own playground and by our own set of rules. We change things around us and rethink the same damn things over and over because it’s what we do as artist. We offend people and often we please others. We communicate a message, sometimes loud and clear and other times we leave people wondering what is it and is that art? Our role in society is to create and keep creating. Some of us choose to make “pretty” pictures and stay in our comfort zone, while others piss in a jar or shit in a can and call it art. Either way we are artists who have a great impact in our world and society.
So create...make great art...and love being an artist.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Two recent painting pieces

David asked me to post pics of my paintings. These two are from my painting class this semester. I've done several pieces in class but I've struggled overall this semester. But for it's worth... These are oil on paper. I think the smaller one is 22x30.
I like these because I kept more of my own style in them. The red one is a comment on homogenized housing developments and the pink (the instructor's required color) is related to a friend's grief at the death of her son.

David, your Lovecraft comment on the nude in the case made me laugh. You should have seen the cardboard, day-glo duct tape set the instructor had for the poor models to sit/stand/recline in! Lovecraft is a perfect description. I'll try to take some pics from my pieces in Drawing as Printmaking class which has been a terrific experience. I highly recommend it, especially with Brad Shanks if you can get one of his classes. I think they are doing lithography next semester and Painterly Printmaking is screenprinting.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Color Takes Form...The Final Piece
Color Takes Form
David Gabbard, Sebastian Gabbard and Sarah Guiffrida
The concept of the piece is to place color that is desperately needed to the sterile space with an approach of using exaggerated forms of artist supplies. The objects exhibit the importance of color, shape, textures and forms with the use of the space and environment. The focus is to bring awareness to the importance of the Fine Arts Department and the role the Arts play in all aspects of our society. The objects create a lively feeling with the childlike implications, but display the significance of the grand scale that Art conveys to our world. The final result is to create a space that is inviting, comforting and symbolic.
"As artists...we all want to believe our brushes are bigger than ourselves"

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Paris, baby!
Its happening: I'm going to Paris!
I got accepted into the Paris Study Abroad program for summer 2009! I'm applying for scholarships, learning French, finding blogs belonging to people who live in Paris...I'm going to get my adventure! Words cannot describe how excited I am to study art, what I love most, in a place where art is part of the culture!
Spring semester is coming up, too, and I am excited for that as well! 3 studio classes....I can hardly contain myself! I want my days to be packed with art-making. I've been bored and unmotivated for too long! Elisabeth, I will be in your Intermediate Painting class! I am so excited to have you for painting again! You really got me excited about paint over the summer (and I still am excited about it, but haven't had the means to express that), so lets see what you can get me to do over an entire semester! I'll fight you as usual, but it will be fun, yes? And we both know I'll come out appreciating paint even more. I'm thinking about changing my major from photography to painting, but we'll see.
And just wait for these studio classes in the Spring...I'll be posting photos of my work like crazy, and you'll probably all get tired of me.
I got accepted into the Paris Study Abroad program for summer 2009! I'm applying for scholarships, learning French, finding blogs belonging to people who live in Paris...I'm going to get my adventure! Words cannot describe how excited I am to study art, what I love most, in a place where art is part of the culture!
Spring semester is coming up, too, and I am excited for that as well! 3 studio classes....I can hardly contain myself! I want my days to be packed with art-making. I've been bored and unmotivated for too long! Elisabeth, I will be in your Intermediate Painting class! I am so excited to have you for painting again! You really got me excited about paint over the summer (and I still am excited about it, but haven't had the means to express that), so lets see what you can get me to do over an entire semester! I'll fight you as usual, but it will be fun, yes? And we both know I'll come out appreciating paint even more. I'm thinking about changing my major from photography to painting, but we'll see.
And just wait for these studio classes in the Spring...I'll be posting photos of my work like crazy, and you'll probably all get tired of me.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Color Takes Form
What a crazy semester!!! I have been so occupied with reading and writing that I have not had the time to do any art work...I know there is no excuse...but I have managed to take all of my creative energies and channel them into a huge 10 ft sculpture that will be installed in the Fine Arts courtyard!!! Sebastian, Sara G (my art school sidekick) and I have put a ton of hours sanding and sculpting...chances are you have heard us the past two weeks??? The finished piece will be up and installed on Nov 24th...Stop by and see our piece and everyone elses work in Concepts II. Hope everyone is doing well!!! Three more weeks and we all get a nice break!!! Then back on the grind again...the good thing is that I have two studio classes that will be keeping me up and at them at the studio!!! There is no love like the love of working in the studio with your friends or by yourself and making art...I love being an artist!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Recent Insane project that leaves no time for living.

Neil Bender gave us 5 very large (44" x something) sheets of watercolor paper and basicly told us to go to town on them for our final. He had us collage first and told us to create a universe.
I've chopped these papers up into 90 smaller pages and have been obsessively illustrating a wordless narrative. I'm on page 48 of 90. They are inked up to that point but some arent shaded yet because I plan on sitting down with a brush and doing several at the same time for that part.
How is everyone? I hear from people sporadically but I really am curious. I know I'm not one of the ones who grew close to everyone since I wasn't in the painting room when you all were at night and my bitching and moaning over oil paint made most of you want to smack me upside the head, but I hope you didn't write me off...
Anywhoo. I'm trying to tear through this so I can get my Real world journal done because I haven't paid enough attention to that, and then I decided to create a 15 foot scroll documenting my vizual thoughts for Julie Weitz's class thats going to require as many if not more time than Benders project so I basicly need to stop doing anything else in life. I'm not whining, i'm almost bragging. I fucking love making shit complicated.
Anywhoo, here are pictures. It's not everything and the cell takes bad quality pics but it's a hazy idea of the current work and classes.
<:3 Peace out peoples...~
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Why So Serious???
So with the semester almost over...I have been so busy with writing papers and reading...that I have had no time to make art...which I think is a poor excuse...but I do pride myself on my studies...I was able to break away from the vicious cycle of grammar and punctuation rules to carve a few pumpkins for my job. After my recent obsession with the Dark Knight...I couldn't resist some creative carving of the Joker! I made positive and negative stencils of the pictures and then had a fun time carving on the circular surface!!! Hope everyone is well and surviving the last few weeks of the semester. Everyone keep your eyes on the Fine Art courtyard...the Concepts 2 class is rocking it out in a few weeks with some kicking public art pieces!!! I'll post more info later!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Alter Ego

ps- sorry this post is so large. I had to use a "large format" since the photos are made to print as 5x7 on 11x14 paper, leaving a huge border around the edge.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Hey everybody!
I can't tell you how much I miss painting. Even the late nights and crazy painting day-in and day-out are dearly missed compared to this creation-less, sad, studio class-less fall semester existence. I'm feeling David with the whole no studio class thing. The only art-related class I'm taking is Art History 2 and its kicking my butt. Never in my life have I felt so drained and helpless as days go by like minutes and the ability to create things disappears before it ever presents itself. I have some free time, but I feel so stressed and burnt out that I'm just never inspired. The best I've managed is a sketch of a tree. Pretty sad, right?
The best I can do is take some photos...so here are some that I've taken recently. David said I should post them. =)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Rabbit Progress.

I'm so in love this the progress of these things. I wonder if anyone can recognize who his inspiration is. I don't doubt that many of you have seen him even if he's not someone you gave a second thought to. Don't worry, I did.
I'm trying to decide what else to do to the larger one. It's a little trickier because there aren't rhinestones bigger than what i've found and the version i'm keeping is going to be allowed more fantasy than the miniature. Literally, it's a softer natured version.
...Finding the giant red rhinestones that are the eyes for both of them made me drool... It's the way his eyes sparkle when he talks about himself. At least that's how i feel to me.

This is the second in that line of drawings of myself i started....It fought me. I fought it. I don't think either of us won...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Oh How I Miss Burning the Midnight Oil...
1. I Officially I hate not taking a studio class this semester...never again will I do something so foolish...never again!!!
2. Concepts 2 does not count as a studio class...simply because I'm not a architecture major...nor do I understand a project that has 5 different parts to it...that has nothing to do with each indivudial part...
3. I hate the budget cuts of USF...and all of the ridiculous schedule nonsense that they have brought to our school...but Hey at least we have a brand new Marshall Center to study in...Right???
4. On the schedule topic...what good does it to have class on Friday for an hour??? Hell I'm an older student...who doesn't party...and I think it doesn't make sense...Do you???
5. I'll be glad when Mid Terms are over...because that might free my schedule up for a few days to finish my painting!!! Which is...another huge self portrait...that stares at me in my living room...screaming..."Finish Me...Please!!!"
6. I'm craving to do some of my own artwork...mainly a video piece...about some old topics from the past...funny how certain things come back around...life moves in circles...
7. Speaking of the past...how does fear translate into space...??? I didn't know that answer till this semester...and I'm not sure I still have the answer...
8. On a positive note...I have gained so much respect for Egyptian artwork...Man...the riddles that they put in there work...symbolism...it's so great!!!
9. On another positive note...I have found that Plato is a great artistic inspiration...then again...I'm sure there are a lot of artist who have...???
10. I miss the summer classes...especially Painting One...with my kick ass class classmates and teacher...that gave me the energy...support...and fuel...to help me reach my best as an artist...
Miss all of you guys from the summer...I miss the late night painting sessions...I miss the small group we had...This summer rocked!!!
Hope everyone is doing well...and keeping the Arts Alive and Kicking!!!
2. Concepts 2 does not count as a studio class...simply because I'm not a architecture major...nor do I understand a project that has 5 different parts to it...that has nothing to do with each indivudial part...
3. I hate the budget cuts of USF...and all of the ridiculous schedule nonsense that they have brought to our school...but Hey at least we have a brand new Marshall Center to study in...Right???
4. On the schedule topic...what good does it to have class on Friday for an hour??? Hell I'm an older student...who doesn't party...and I think it doesn't make sense...Do you???
5. I'll be glad when Mid Terms are over...because that might free my schedule up for a few days to finish my painting!!! Which is...another huge self portrait...that stares at me in my living room...screaming..."Finish Me...Please!!!"
6. I'm craving to do some of my own artwork...mainly a video piece...about some old topics from the past...funny how certain things come back around...life moves in circles...
7. Speaking of the past...how does fear translate into space...??? I didn't know that answer till this semester...and I'm not sure I still have the answer...
8. On a positive note...I have gained so much respect for Egyptian artwork...Man...the riddles that they put in there work...symbolism...it's so great!!!
9. On another positive note...I have found that Plato is a great artistic inspiration...then again...I'm sure there are a lot of artist who have...???
10. I miss the summer classes...especially Painting One...with my kick ass class classmates and teacher...that gave me the energy...support...and fuel...to help me reach my best as an artist...
Miss all of you guys from the summer...I miss the late night painting sessions...I miss the small group we had...This summer rocked!!!
Hope everyone is doing well...and keeping the Arts Alive and Kicking!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A thing i do...

Yeah... so in addition to drawing, I have an obsession with gifting and gift related arts. I know this guy...and I've kind of icon-ized him since last christmas and made it a mission of mine to creatively gift him a lot. I've made some really cool things including a Shiva-cookie (because he's hindu), several small comics about his life and goals, a few pretend food bars, and now since he's turning 22 (which is personally, my favorite number btw) I decided to make him a massive body pillow related to the nickname i gave him back when I was just staring at him and drawing pictures of him while he worked.
Unfortunately I fell in love with the work in progress and I decided I have to keep it, so i made another half it's size and i'm continuing to work on both of them.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Two things to do right now! Set your alarm!!!
Two important things.
One: Join the Filberts, now!!!
Find out more:
Bruce Marsh, Professor Emeritus and a crack draftsman, is offering a drawing marathon (info below). October 3 and 4--two puny but potentially life changing days in your schedule.
There is nothing like a drawing marathon to get you fired and frenzied and sharp on the issues. Everyone take your booties to Ruskin and fill the class.
THE BIG DRAW-RUSKIN - Studio Workshop
BIG DRAW STUDIO – 613 N. US Highway 41, Ruskin
Oct 3 & 4
Friday & Saturday, 10 am – 5pm each day
Visiting Artist: Marjorie Greene
SouthShore Arts Council
Materials & Model Fee - $60
Sign-Up begins August 25, Limit 20
Bmarsh3@tampabay.rr.com or 813.641.8635
Registration will be complete when payment is made.
Commit yourself to a 2 day drawing marathon extravaganza. This intense all day activity is open to all students interested in increasing their understanding and perception of the visual world. Participants will work in a large studio with a massive set-up and live clothed models. Projects will be executed in charcoal on large 4'x5' paper. This 2 day immersion in drawing will culminate in an informal critique and exhibit. Accommodations information is available.
MARJORIE GREENE is an associate professor in Fine Arts at St. Petersburg College, with a Bachelors Degree in Printmaking from Philadelphia College of Art and a Master's Degree from Tyler School of Art, Temple University. She attended the well-known Drawing Marathon program at the New York Studio School and has taught similar marathon based mini-workshops including last year’s drawing marathon at the St. Petersburg Art Center.
Two important things.
One: Join the Filberts, now!!!
Find out more:
Bruce Marsh, Professor Emeritus and a crack draftsman, is offering a drawing marathon (info below). October 3 and 4--two puny but potentially life changing days in your schedule.
There is nothing like a drawing marathon to get you fired and frenzied and sharp on the issues. Everyone take your booties to Ruskin and fill the class.
THE BIG DRAW-RUSKIN - Studio Workshop
BIG DRAW STUDIO – 613 N. US Highway 41, Ruskin
Oct 3 & 4
Friday & Saturday, 10 am – 5pm each day
Visiting Artist: Marjorie Greene
SouthShore Arts Council
Materials & Model Fee - $60
Sign-Up begins August 25, Limit 20
Bmarsh3@tampabay.rr.com or 813.641.8635
Registration will be complete when payment is made.
Commit yourself to a 2 day drawing marathon extravaganza. This intense all day activity is open to all students interested in increasing their understanding and perception of the visual world. Participants will work in a large studio with a massive set-up and live clothed models. Projects will be executed in charcoal on large 4'x5' paper. This 2 day immersion in drawing will culminate in an informal critique and exhibit. Accommodations information is available.
MARJORIE GREENE is an associate professor in Fine Arts at St. Petersburg College, with a Bachelors Degree in Printmaking from Philadelphia College of Art and a Master's Degree from Tyler School of Art, Temple University. She attended the well-known Drawing Marathon program at the New York Studio School and has taught similar marathon based mini-workshops including last year’s drawing marathon at the St. Petersburg Art Center.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I can't help it, i'm a drawing major.

So, since my mom made me pack up the oil painting area i'd set up in her office the the day after class ended, I didn't really get to screw around in the paint any more. I'll find a place to settle in and make a mess again, but I'm still drawing. I can't help it, It's my heartsong! D: Excuses excuses, right?
Anyway... I've got like major self-love and physical body issues if you never guessed and i've been dealing with them in some nudes i've been doing of myself... I'm kind of suprised myself really. See, one of the many reasons i'm lonely is I won't get intimate because of how self conscious I am. And for good reason; weighing in at 265 lbs at 12 years old fucks up your body no matter what you do in the years beyond it. I'm damaged goods... but I'm always trying to convince myself not to self hate... so I made some pretty pictures... kinda.
If anyone knows a good plastic surgeon let me know. I'm in the market to get my skin fixed in a year or two...
The image quality sucks because it's from my cell phone btw.
-Peace out-
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
a painting....
Hey guys!!!
I just wanted to add a painting that I did while on our break between summer classes and the fall semester. I would love to hear your opinion on it! I miss being in class with all of you. I'm in the intermediate now and it is no where as cool without you guys in it. I hope everyone is doing well! Keep me posted on life!
Monday, August 25, 2008
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